Exercising your way to more stamina:

The number one question I get asked in my industry is “How can I create more stamina in the bedroom?” Most guys think you have to go for hours and hours, but women in general, enjoy a good 15 – 30 minutes of sex, and then get pretty bored after that. Still, if you are like most of the population and are having a hard time lasting even that long, then here are a few tips to help you.

1. Eat healthy. What your put in your body determines on how it is going to perform, so if you put junk into it, that’s what you’re going to get…. Junk. And let me tell you, when you’re woman is going down on you and you put that junk into her mouth, chances are she isn’t going to let you ever do it again, especially if she respects herself. I’m not saying eliminate all fun food from your diet, however try incorporating more water, and eating a pineapple slice or two once in a while. If you really want to go balls out, try eating lots of green vegetables, substitute ordinary bread with whole meal bread, and gorge on eggs, nuts, beans, and fish. This will boost your sex hormones, and will improve the taste of your sperm

2. Exercise. When you take time to exercise at least 3 to 4 times per week it can lead to increased stamina. When you exercise it gets your heart rate up. Sex is kind of like doing a marathon. You won’t be able to run 26 miles the first day, but if you take baby steps and work your way to a rock hard boner more and more every day, then you’ll be amazed at how long you can last in the bedroom, and so will she.

3. Have sex in the morning. A lot of couples ask me how to make each other want more sex. When I ask them what their routine is, they often say “We have sex right before we went to bed”. My number one question is this: If you have worked all day long, rushed around, fought traffic, came home, and then hurried off to another event or game for the kids, chances are when you are lying in bed at 10pm, you are stressed out, exhausted, and the last thing on your mind is having meaningful sex. You probably want to hurry up and get it over with so you can get to sleep as soon as possible so that you can wake up and do it all over again the next day. No wonder your love life sucks! Try setting a couple days a week where you can have sex in the morning. If you have to get up 20 minutes earlier so what. You’ll be more satisfied.
4. Eliminate Stress. Stress is one of the main components to losing a rock hard boner. Chances are if you are stressed out your blood is flowing to every area in your body EXCEPT your penis. If you want to make sure you have more stamina, then a suggestion would be to eliminate stress. IE mediation, breathing, exercise, and taking a hot shower to relax. Also, Yoga is excellent, and you get to look at hot girls stretching in very erotic poses. That will help with the stimulation that we talk about in the next paragraph.

5. Stimulate your mind. In my opinion this is the most important thing you can do. If your mind doesn’t want to go there, chances are your penis won’t either, but you never know sometimes. We’ve all had a time or two when we woke up next to someone and said what the hell was I thinking… It’s amazing how the mind can make you hallucinate when you want something so badly ;-)

Anyway, men in general are visual creatures. Try stimulating your mind by looking at some porn videos, your favorite American Curves magazine, the internet (KimFlex.com), or what ever your favorite jerk off material may be before doing the deed. Chances are you will get excited and have more fun. It’s not cheating no matter how much she tells you it is.

If you are still having challenges getting it up, or just keeping it up. Here are a few exercises to do 3 to 4 days a week, in the privacy of your own home, to help you last longer plus gain a little girth in the process.

Make sure you warm up You don’t want to pull, or strain any muscles, especially “Down There”! My suggestion is to get a warm wash cloth, rap it around your penis, and start to pull gently in all directions to help the blood flow to all the areas. This will help loosen you up, and will allow you to reach full stretching potential.

Kegel exercises You know that sensation when you are taking a pee, and you hear your buddies talking about something interesting in the other room, so you hold back to stop so you can hear better? In a sense that is a kegel exercise. You should feel a squeeze from under your package and in front of your anus. I call this area the “Taint, (because it taint your ass, and it taint your penis). Squeeze this part of your area 25 reps 3 times per day, and this will help you to control your ejaculation, and could help in your girth. Also sit ups will help with this muscle as well

Lengthening Exercises (your penis should be soft doing this exercise)
What you want to do is pull your penis up, down, and all around. No really, first you pull it up, down, then side to side, stretching it 4 to 5 inches each way, for about 15 seconds each time. After you finished your first series, message your penis and repeat 4 times. This will help circulation and increase blood flow to your area down there.

(NOTE OF CAUTION!!!) Don’t pull too hard, you may injure yourself. If you’re penis doesn’t allow you to pull up 4 to 5 inches, don’t let your ego force it. Just relax and pull as far as you can without straining yourself. Also if you’re having a hard time with slippage, try using toilet paper or a cloth to do the exercise.
Last Exercise You should work on your girth last, because you will need some type of lubricant. KY Jelly, or Astro Glide tends to be favorite among men. (KY is not as sticky, if you care.)

Get yourself to about 80 % erect. 80% is when your hard, but can still bend you’re your penis. Make an O with your fingers, like an OK sign around the base and stroke all the way up. When your hand reaches the top, begin the same motion with the other hand, massage, and repeat. It’s best if you work your way up to about 200 reps. (The girth comes from increased blood flow into your penis)

If it’s still a challenge keeping your erection, or cuming to quickly, then pharmaceuticals may be the way for you. Check with your doctor and decide what is best for your condition. Also, herbal enhancements are becoming more popular because, they improve blood circulation and have no side effects. They help relax and sooth the muscles that control erections and allow blood to flow in. Most of these pills are made of sexual herbs, like Ginseng, Catuaba, and Zinc. Long term use of these supplements can add new layers of cells in the walls of the penis and add permanent size in girth.

If you still are having a hard time after all of this, then make foreplay a part of your routine. At least if your woman has had an orgasm, and feels semi what satisfied she will more then likely understand, and see that you are making an effort. Even though you feel like a loser, she won’t think you are.

Well I hope this helps. For more exercises, techniques, and tips, or just to be stimulated and experience my KimFlex models live, and person just go to KimFlex.com and join our live Flex, and Chat shows.

Take Care,
Kim Chambers.